Take me above the clouds and leave me there
Take me to the world called sky let me be
Above this rustic wall
Above this feeble earth
Away from their calouse promises
Take me away and live me there
Roam around with the winds
Like two lover birds, let’s unwind
Tangled by dreams, that never wakes
Away from the occultic display of the south
Away from the banditry in the north
I am tired of the wails in Maidugury
The silent treatment of our defender
Take me off, let’s soar never to stop
The ground traivail, the waters are unhealthy
The smoke of every beastly stomach
Ooz nothing but pollution
It blinds me this war of men
It numbs me this treasure we hail
What do we defend, when the defenders are defensive, more than they defend
Take me into the clouds hide me there
Into the the rhelmes, where things are created
Up above the heads, that head over lacivousness
Uselessness paraded as an artistic pageantry
I don’t like it here
Take me away to order
Away to peace and love
Away back to the place when Word declared Nigeria.
Take me there
Let’s love and remain.
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