Oh! Soul
Soul! This soul, Why do you crave? Like thirst yarns for a dry lip, Listen, soul! There is no melody life couldn't dance. When, When soul, When do our hearts…
Soul! This soul, Why do you crave? Like thirst yarns for a dry lip, Listen, soul! There is no melody life couldn't dance. When, When soul, When do our hearts…
Love is Forgiveness When you still have something to say, Never walk away. If you feel I don't listen, Listen to me so you understand, my limited sense. Don't rise…
A Place call, Home. If eyes are windows to the soul, Then I'll close them so my heart doesn't get cold But it's already a cold world And we need…
"For I am conscious of my thoughts about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you hope at the end. Jeremiah 29:11" Personally, for…
An Old Man after Sex 2 I would return the next day and a more perverted remark, by now more people were taking note. A young man who got him,…
An old Man after Sex at the Ministry of Education. God has been so faithful to me and He has shown me evidently how He can finish what He has…
Love that will never leave, for my Children. I have found the love that will never leave, In your eyesight I found freedom, You are right in my heart and…
Love is Never Tired "Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride; 1…
Faith Love Hope Faith! Please don't leave me, What would I do, without you, How can change be? If you are gone Far Into the arms of our maker Faith…