
Love is completely true True in character and loyalty Love speaks compassion True in deeds and motives Love is completely true Any lie will make it untrue There by saying…

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The little showers give life It drips steadily The little showers give life To the unloved plant And the teary eyes some rest It cools a fiery tempest And brings…

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Nigeria Peace

In the name of Jesus Christ let all up rise be still,
Let all selfishness cease
In Nigeria let there be peace
In the name of Jesus Christ our Prince of Peace

We rise early to call forth your mighty hands
Let your mercy rain, let it overtake all hatered
Let your love shine forth resolving all dispute
Give us righteous leaders Lord
Leaders, whom will put You first

In Jesus Christ name violence cease
Hear the voice of the Arch Angel of the host of heavens
Be still,
Let suffering give way to liberty
Let death give way to life
In the name of Jesus Christ Now!

Thank you Father for Nigeria
Thank you Father for our land and it’s people
Thank you Father for our Nation
It gives you glory,
Thank you Father in the name of Jesus Christ. (more…)


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