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Empowering Children in Northern Nigeria: Hasken Arewa Foundation’s Summer Camp 2024

Empowering Children in Northern Nigeria: Hasken Arewa Foundation’s Summer Camp 2024

Are you looking for a way to make a real impact in the lives of children in northern Nigeria? Look no further than the Hasken Arewa Foundation’s upcoming Summer Camp, set to take place this September. This incredible initiative is more than just a traditional camp; it is a life-changing experience that aims to empower children through vocational training, health education, trauma healing, educational activities, spiritual exercises, and much more.

Every year, the Hasken Arewa Foundation organizes this unique Summer Camp to provide children in northern Nigeria with a safe and nurturing environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive. The camp is designed to address various issues that children in this region face, including lack of access to quality education, limited vocational training opportunities, health challenges, trauma from conflict or instability, and spiritual well-being.

What Can Children Expect at the Hasken Arewa Summer Camp?

At the Summer Camp, children will have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities aimed at holistic development. From vocational training workshops that teach practical skills like sewing, catering, writing, and photography, to health education sessions that promote wellness and hygiene practices, children will gain valuable knowledge and hands-on experience that can empower them for a lifetime.

Educational activities are a core component of the camp, with interactive lessons on various subjects aimed at stimulating curiosity and a love for learning. Additionally, trauma healing sessions provide a safe space for children to express their feelings, process past experiences, and build resilience in the face of challenges.

Spiritual exercises led by trained facilitators offer children the chance to explore their faith, values, and beliefs in a supportive and inclusive environment. Through prayer, meditation, and discussions on moral and ethical principles, children can develop a strong spiritual foundation that guides them in their personal growth and decision-making.

How Can You Help Support the Hasken Arewa Foundation’s Summer Camp?

We invite you to join us in making a difference in the lives of children in northern Nigeria. Your prayers, partnership, and financial support can help us ensure that the Summer Camp is a success and that every child who attends receives the care and resources they need to thrive.

Prayers: Your prayers are invaluable in providing spiritual guidance and support to the children at the camp. By praying for their well-being, growth, and success, you can contribute to a positive and uplifting experience for each child.

Partnership: We are always seeking partners who share our vision of empowering children in northern Nigeria. Whether you are a local organization, business, or individual, your partnership can help us expand the reach and impact of the Summer Camp, ensuring that more children benefit from its transformative programs.

Financial Support: Your financial contributions are crucial in funding the various activities, resources, and staff needed to make the Summer Camp a reality. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in providing children with a life-changing experience that equips them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.

Together, we can create a brighter future for children in northern Nigeria by supporting the Hasken Arewa Foundation’s Summer Camp. Join us in empowering children through vocational training, health education, trauma healing, educational activities, spiritual exercises, and more.

Please get Involved Today!

To learn more about the Hasken Arewa Foundation’s Summer Camp 2022 and how you can support this impactful initiative, please visit our website, follow us on social media, or reach out to us directly. Your involvement can make a lasting difference in the lives of children and communities in northern Nigeria. Thank you for your support, prayers, and partnership in creating a brighter future for all……



Phone Number: 0809 264 249

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Account Number: 1016475161

Hasken Rayuwa Afrika Humanitarian Account

Zenith Bank 




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