I Got to Have a Purple Shoe
once upon a time, I wanted to wear purple shoes for my wedding day. My love for colors is big. The rainbow holds so much meaning to me, I remember when I was schooling in Abuja, I loved taking walks at the Asokoro park, ooh gave me so much delight, to catch silence and conversation with He who hears silence and listen in silence.😇
I was talking to my Father about the call, asking why me? So shy, so bitter, so angry and frustrated. I forget too easily, so nervous my words disappear and I always had tears ready to rain. Who would listen? ‘They know Lord, hmmm these people know You o’.😃
Seated under a tree, well-branched and leaves so beautiful and gave me a shade. Suddenly I hear ‘look up’ I did, and there it was a rainbow around the tree just above. Oh, I began to cry over the things He said…My Love and I had a moment there I knew life will not be as I knew it. He started working on my heart, my mind, and my whole being. My perspective started changing, He gave my writings a secret voice. Oh Lord, the special moments I had with my First Love.💌
Loving nature, mountain climbing, searching to know what His purpose is at a particular time and the human has always been part of the package. A hunger to know and remain in His presence. The Glory I have been taught as a child, how I wished to see it, to remain in it. I was about 19 then. Sweet memories.😇
Back to my purple shoes, I listened to my loved ones. “Not in this village, hah they will say you are getting married pregnant”, plenty explanation, my favorite one is, ‘You are marrying a Minister, what kind of madness is that?” 🤣 oh, how I love them. For their peace of mind, I let it be but I know I will get my time and soon when I will get to wear my purple shoes. Hubby let’s gather people again. ðŸ¤ðŸ™ˆ
When I was planning and praying for my wedding I had a vision of how I was supposed to look and every detail had a spiritual meaning……but ooh mine. I always don’t make sense sometimes.😆
What is the lesson here? It does not have to make sense as long as you are obeying God. Don’t forget what was said in 1 Cor 1:27, ‘but the foolish things of the world did God choose, that the wise He may put to shame; and the weak things of the world did God choose that He may put to shame the strong;’
He wants to be part of everything we do. You are a bride, here for a purpose, so how prepared are you? How willing are you, ready, to change in other to be with your Groom? You have to give up the flesh and embrace the Eternal. (Our Father), He is coming for His bride there is no changing His mind. Leave ready!
Now Namsa and Dr. Gabmen will say, no wonder she was just into the details……🤣These girls God bless and keep them safe for me and His glory. I love you and am inspired by your willingness to love and be the best at your skill. Thank you for accepting my weirdness.🥰
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