Ibrahim king

Ibrahim King

I have a lot of poems on the topic Ibrahim, IB, IBRO,
Not written the best yet,
One that captures your meaning, one that says our reasons,
I have lost words so many times,
There were days, I talk too much, write,
Nowadays search from heaven about your essence Ibrahim,
Words sometimes pour out sufficiently,
Yes, sometimes a word, a phrase, a clause,
Sometimes in simple sentences,
Sometimes complicated compound-complex,
I have a lot of poems with the motive, Ibrahim,
The pant of my heart and those beautiful slides of seasons.

the fluttering of my heart
the quivering of my lips
the stutter in my speech
the confidence in my walk

Ibrahim king!
What a wonder you are,
A music a flare,
The wisdom you thrive,
All because He is yours,
And you let Him thrive in you.

This is a poem called, Ibrahim,
Lines still in progress,



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