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Let the Poor Breathe

Let the Poor Breathe


In Nigeria’s vast and vibrant land,

Where dreams and struggles often stand,

There resides a tale of hope untold,

Of letting the poor breathe, their spirits unfold.


Amidst the bustling streets they reside,

The impoverished souls with dreams denied,

Their voices muffled by poverty’s weight,

Yearning for a chance, a change, a new fate.


Let the winds carry their stories afar,

Across the nation, like a guiding star,

Echoing through the valleys and hills,

Awakening compassion, dispelling the ills.


Let the poor breathe, let their lungs inhale,

The air of justice, where fairness prevails,

For an equal chance to rise and aspire,

To quench their thirst, fulfill their desire.



Let the rivers flow with opportunities vast,

Where dreams aren’t shattered, but nurtured to last,

Where education becomes a beacon of light,

Igniting minds, empowering their flight.



Let the poor breathe, with dignity unbound,

Where basic needs are met, no longer drowned,

Food on their tables, roofs overhead,

No more hunger, no more tears to shed.


Let the echoes of poverty’s plight,

Reach the hearts of those with power and might,

To build foundations of compassion and grace,

Erasing the lines that divide and debase.



Let us join hands, united as one,

In breaking the chains, this battle we’ve begun,

For in lifting the poor, we’ll all find release,

A nation transformed, filled with lasting peace.



So let the poor breathe, let their spirits rise,

Unleashing potentials, unveiling the skies,

In Nigeria’s embrace, let kindness prevail,

A brighter future, where all hearts set sail.


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