Marriage: Touch Your Wife Right


You most have hard that women love attention, love to be talked to, love to be complimented on a daily basis also a woman thinks about sex and craves to be touched rightly. People describe women as being clueless about what they want, but that is a lie. She has hidden fantasies and secret longings of pleasing her husband sexually.

You have to be gentle and take your time when you squeeze the palm of her hand when she is scared, confused or discouraged. It sends massage that you love her and that she is being comforted.

Go ahead and gently squeeze and rub her back when you hug her tight, it makes her feel secured. Grab her bum with no apologies this makes her feel loved and desired. You should hold her by the waist when in public, you show her that you are proud of her that way.

Being a sensitive man means you will be kind to rub her hand gently when she is going through a season of loss. This will show her you care. Also hold her back when she is in the kitchen cooking and her hands are tied as you tell her how much she means to you, it makes her hard work worth it.

Sneak on her, touch her chest or tickle her. Place your hand between or on her breasts as you both sleep, this makes her feel comfortable and warm with you.  Touch her tummy when she’s pregnant, Massage her shoulders, give her warm baths and kisses. It tells her she is not alone, daddy is there with her. Rub her hips down when she is dressing up or when she is relaxing in bed, it makes her feel sexy. Hold her hands when you two are praying or hug her close, it shows unity before God and places you in the place of a defender. Sneak from behind and wrap your arms around her, it makes her feel special.

There is nothing that turns a woman on like a man cooking , washing plates or helping out with the kids. Massage her shoulders when she says she is tired, it calms her down. Stroke gently her back, tracing her spine, it releases sweet shivers all over her body. Rub her feet when she’s had a long day, it tells her you are serious when you say you will take care of her. Oil her body, her back, her elbows, her knees sometimes. Love on the body that you find sexy. Hold her face, her neck as you kiss her, it melts and nicely weakens her. She loves to surrender to your masculine love. Play with her fingers as you cuddle and talk, it tells her you’re paying attention.

Speak with her, tell her often how much you care and love her, that touches her emotionally. Blessing your wife with prayers speaks volumes. Nothing says you love her like faithfulness. Remain faithful emotionally and physically . Be patient in bed too, wait for her to come. Be kind in bed don’t treat her as if she is an animal or a sex toy.


I believe in God’s definition of marriage. A union which stands on love, truth, fairness and faithfulness.


I don’t believe in any form of violence in Marriage. If your life is in danger, seek for help now! It is not God’s will that you are bartered and terrorized. You are called to love and be loved in return in marriage.

The Victor a Victim

Angel If Mine-Gotnamewrites


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