Nigeria at War: I Miss How we Freely Kissed

How we Freely Kissed

I could not sleep, I move in-between memories and reality,
Thinking how a curing love is gone, far into misery,
Woke dreaming your tenderness, yarning your kisses,
As we use to hold on breast to chest, warmly protected by the clouds,
In a full moon tonight, would have been  moments intimate.

The image of the night, draws near
Came crawling in, while the nations slept, living shadows to guide.
How could we love in a war waged land?
In-between this violent escapes,
There is blood now, upon a once comforting bed,
Beneath the moon we once held, a cry assail!

Suddenly I dared to dream a change
But saw the vultures once again
Freely roaming in a gallant praise, awaiting the butchers,
That a victor hero has brought a shade, is a dream for a poet in this sunny place.

Suddenly! I remembered how we freely kissed,
The memories of your lips against mine,
The mountain of dreams, the courage in our dance,
I remembered the long lost african drums, beating a story,
When we came together, all wars stood still and peace prevail,

Do you remember?
Will you please recall, when we could, Freely dream and sojourn
liberal to the winds we thrived
How children were innocent and their eyes made us proud,
When we were kind to women and delightful at the skill of godly men,
Please remember, let us go back there.

O, I recall how we freely and eagerly kissed

Angel If Mine-Gotnamewrites

The Victor a Victim







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  1. Ishaya Ganya

    I remember!
    I remember how we use to live
    We played together and befriended everyone
    The neighborhood though premitive, yet promising
    I remember the makarantan Allo
    We will stand by and wait for our Moslem friends
    While they attend we will wait
    The excitement of friendship beyond the waiting
    The incentive to wait was amazing
    Everyone knew everyone
    Christian, Moslem and traditionalist
    Christmas, sallah and u’hólà
    These were simply ceremonies we looked forward to
    Oh I remember

    1. Gotname

      Wow and hmmmmm, o father give us back those innocent days we too for granted.

      Thank you so much sir.

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