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Raped! Not Damaged! Not promiscuous!

Raped! Not Damaged! Not promiscuous!


Don’t look at me that way

I was raped! Not Damaged! Not promiscuous!


In the shadowed tempest of a violated night,

Her spirit shattered by unspeakable might,

She rose from the ruins like a phoenix in flight,

A survivor, not a victim, reclaiming her light.


The world may whisper, casting pity’s shroud,

But she stands tall, unbroken, unbowed.

No longer defined by a past’s grim hue,

She’s a beacon of strength, a force anew.


It’s not in her pain that her story lies,

But in the resilience that now fills her eyes.

Her voice, a clarion call for those oppressed,

A testament to healing, to overcoming the test.


No longer reduced to a mere shattered soul,

She’s a living testament, an inspiration whole.

Her scars are now a map for others to find,

A path to healing, leaving no soul behind.


What was meant to break her only made her strong,

Empowered, she’s become a refuge for the wronged.

No longer bound by shame’s oppressive chains,

She stands firm, a bastion in freedom’s domain.


So listen not with sorrow, nor with pity’s breath,

For she’s not defined by a legacy of death.

In her victory, she’s found the strength to provide,

A sanctuary for others, where hope can abide.


Heris tale is a testament to resilience unbound,

A warrior’s grace, in silence’s hushed sound.

For from the darkness, she emerged anew,

A testament to thriving, and to helping others too.


Yes! Don’t look at me that way,

I was raped! Not Damaged! Not promiscuous.


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