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Supporting Northern Girls and Women with Sanitary Pads: A Hasken Arewa Foundation Initiative partnering with DayBreak Global Impact Ministries

Supporting Northern Girls and Women with Sanitary Pads: A Hasken Arewa Foundation Initiative partnering with DayBreak Global Impact Ministries


Halima walked slowly towards me with curious anticipation but uncertain… She has enjoyed a bowl of sweet Nigerian Jallof rice, beef, and drinks a few weeks ago, She wondered what it was today. I watched her approach as I waved to her with a big smile hoping she would share a smile and be at peace. We had planned for 30 girls in our community but more than fifty came…we had also sent sanitary pads to three other villages to be shared by our Teams of Harvesters, in all, we have shared to about 120 women. When her hands touched mine I felt her helplessness and the urgency of her silent cry for ease. She looked at me and smiled the enduring smile that represents many struggling women in northern Nigeria, and so I wondered, how would an empty stomach buy a sanitary pad?

In a world where the basic needs of many are often overlooked, it is crucial to shed light also on the pressing issue of providing sanitary pads to girls and women in Northern Nigeria. The need for adequate hygiene products is a fundamental human right that directly impacts the health, dignity, and well-being of these individuals.

In many parts of Northern Nigeria, girls and women face significant challenges in accessing basic hygiene products, including sanitary pads. Poverty, hunger, and limited resources further exacerbate this issue, putting the health and dignity of these individuals at risk. The lack of access to sanitary pads not only affects their physical well-being but also impacts their emotional and psychological health, leading to feelings of shame, discomfort, and insecurity.

Recognizing the urgency of this issue, it is imperative that we come together as a global community to address the unmet needs of Northern girls and women. Providing them with sanitary pads is not just about meeting a practical need; it is about upholding their inherent dignity and expressing our shared humanity. Every girl and woman deserves the right to manage their menstrual hygiene with dignity and without barriers, regardless of their socioeconomic status or geographic location.

At the heart of this mission are organizations like DayBreak Global Impact Ministries and Haske Arewa Foundation, which have recognized the critical importance of supporting Northern girls and women with sanitary pads. Through their partnership, they are actively working to alleviate the challenges faced by these individuals and to bring about meaningful change in their lives and lighting up the faces of these girls and women with the gift of laughter and hope.

It is important to emphasize that the provision of sanitary pads is not a mere charitable act but a fundamental human right. Access to menstrual hygiene products is essential for the health and well-being of girls and women, and it is our collective responsibility as a global community to ensure that this need is met for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

Beyond the practical implications, supporting Northern girls and women with sanitary pads has profound implications for their overall empowerment and agency. When we address their basic needs, we are enabling them to participate fully in education, work, and social activities without the burden of inadequate menstrual hygiene management. This, in turn, contributes to their ability to reach their full potential and positively impact the development of their communities.

As we reflect on the significance of supporting Northern girls and women with sanitary pads, we must also consider the broader implications of our actions. By engaging in this cause, we are not only addressing an immediate need but also contributing to the larger conversation around gender equality, poverty alleviation, and human rights. We are affirming our commitment to upholding the dignity and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

In conclusion, the need to support Northern girls and women with sanitary pads is a matter of profound importance, and it is incumbent upon us to respond with compassion and action. Every individual deserves access to basic hygiene products, and by coming together to address this need, we are expressing our shared humanity and our commitment to global solidarity.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to DayBreak Global Impact Ministries for partnering with Haske Arewa Foundation to make a positive impact in the lives of Northern girls and women. Together, let us continue to support and advocate for the provision of sanitary pads to ensure that every girl and woman can manage their menstrual hygiene with dignity, joy, and freedom.



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